Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I am not a scientist or even close but, my theory behind the ice ridges is from the difference in temperatures. One day it would be freezing and then we would have several days in a row where the sun is out and very warm.
This would cause melting in the shallow areas and the ice would shift and hit the other sheet and cause this effect.
It was very fascinating to look at.
The crack went along the shoreline for a few miles or more.


r.l.secor said...

Lisa those are gorgeous pictures!!! My favorite is the one with the grass in the foreground - I'm always trying to get a pic like that but I've never had something huge like a mountain in the background. Do you ever mess with Picnik - it's on Picassa now. You could do some cool special effects with that.

Lisa said...

Thanks! Justin saw them and said... "you took those!?" I wish He could have seen it. I only had Hayden and Heather with me. I think Heather posted one from her phone to FB.
I've seen Picnik I am just not sure how it works. guess I need to experiment more.